Celebrating Memorial Day

Life’s Like This — It seems that each year, in the face of a holiday from work and the leisure activities it offers, we have to remind ourselves why we celebrate Memorial Day. The day itself is meant to be a reminder of the ultimate sacrifice that America’s men and women have made in the service of their country. Yet, for most of us, the true meaning and observance of Memorial Day has been relegated to the side-lines, one that has been supplanted by trips to the mall for advertised sales, laying out at the pool, picnics, and other events that have nothing to do with the honoring of those that sacrificed their lives in the defense of our country. But for those who have lost loved ones in service to our country; for the millions of veterans who know first-hand the hardships of military service; and for those American’s that understand the emotional toll and personal sacrifice of our men and women in uniform, Memorial Day is about honoring those that gave their lives so that we can continue to enjoy the freedoms we have as Americans.

As a veteran who has served in Vietnam, I am thankful that I was able to survive the horrors of war and be able to return home to America and to now have the opportunity to honor those that were not as fortunate. In Vietnam, I worked as a medic tending to the needs of wounded soldiers that passed through the doors of our emergency room. I can’t help but recall the lives of those that were lost, miles away in a foreign country, away from their loved ones, and the dreams that awaited them at home. I can’t help but think that I could have lost my life — and there were many times I thought I would, but through God’s blessings, I arrived home safe. And now I am left with the opportunity, as you are, to pay homage to all the men and women Memorial Day is dedicated to.

Today, as I sat among hundreds of people: men, women, children, boy scouts and cub scouts, and veterans of wars past, I listened to the tributes that were paid to the soldiers that lost their lives so that our freedoms might be preserved. As I looked among the faces in the crowd, I realized that in the hearts of those that sat among me, could be the memory of someone that was more than a soldier; it may very well be the memory of a brother, son, daughter, or sister; it might even be a father, mother or other loved one, that today they came to honor. It is because of their sacrifice that we are able to celebrate Memorial Day in whatever way we choose. And if we choose to celebrate it with family picnics, shopping for sales at our local malls, or any other leisure activity, let us, at least, take a moment from the day to pause and reflect on the meaning and purpose of Memorial Day — honoring the dead of current and past wars. This is their day, a day to reflect on their personal sacrifice, a day to remember the ultimate cost of war, a day to cherish our freedoms, a day to remember and perhaps shed tears for those that are no longer with us.


One response to “Celebrating Memorial Day

  1. Thank you for the reminder to truly remember and honor those who have made an ultimate sacrifice…………..

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