Category Archives: A Time For Reflection

A Time For Reflection

Life’s Like This — With the passing of time, new opportunities arise that can bring hope and fulfillment to your life. As the new year approaches, perhaps this is a good time to reflect on how well you lived your life in 2011. For many of us, life went on as it always has; we got up in the morning, attended to our personal care needs, went to our jobs, enjoyed our meals, came home, did some activity we enjoy, and went to sleep. If you ever saw the movie “Groundhog Day,” Bill Murray plays a weatherman that finds himself living the same day over and over again. In the movie, Murray finds himself at odds with himself and the mistakes he had been making in his life over the course of a single day. He then is given the opportunity to get it right by changing how he behaved toward other people. And once he got it right, his life was able to move forward. Wouldn’t it be nice if we all could do that?  
While we can’t live each day of our lives over and over again as Bill Murray did in Groundhog Day, we can make the choice to reflect on how well we have been living our lives and then make choices to try to get it right in the future. What better time to do that then as we enter the new year. I know in my life, there has been a great deal of time that I squandered during the past year. I got caught up in a daily routine that was simply routine. For whatever reason, I became use to living my life in a vacuum and found it devoid of those things that gave real meaning to life. I think we all, at least at some time in our lives, find ourselves swimming in an ocean with nothing to keep us afloat but the daily routines we have become accustomed to. When you think about it, that can easily lead to first-class boredom. Continue reading