Category Archives: Consequences of reckless driving

Consequences of reckless driving

Life’s like this — when driving, you cannot assume other drivers will obey the rules of the road. I know from first-hand experience some of the stupid things drivers do while driving their vehicle down the highway. I was young and stupid once and committed my fair share of driving violations. I’d like to think, however, that I have grown wiser, more cautious and a safer driver over the years. I also reflect back on the time when I worked intensive care in a military hospital and had to care for countless perpetrators and victims of car accidents. It’s not a pretty sight to see mangled bodies and people who lost their lives because of the careless actions of either themselves or others. Life begins and life ends but the timing for the end of life does not have to be a game of russian roulette that we play every time we drive our motor vehicle. Unfortunately, that is what so many of us do.
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