Category Archives: Embracing the passion of life

Embracing the passion of life

Life’s Like This! From the moment we are born, we embark on a journey through this adventure called life. Along its way, we discover things about ourselves, many of which become the catalyst for exporing the passion that has taken root in our hearts. It’s an amazing thing — passion — because for many of us it gives us a sense of purpose and direction for our lives. If you are like me, you want to leave a footprint of your life that will last way beyond the years you live on this earth. I know I do. My father once said to me, “Know first your aim in life, then fight with all within you to achieve it.” These are words I’ve always tried to live by, words that have had more of a profound impact on my life than I have ever realized. Fathers can be a great source of wisdom, but for me I had to discover what in life was important to me, on my own, free of my father’s influence and dreams for his children. And that is how it should be. We all need to find the passion that gives meaning for our lives.  
The pursuit of dreams, or the following of your passions, can sometimes be elusive. We strive to reach goals we have set for ourselves only to find they are not as easily attainable as we had hoped they would be. We encounter setbacks that can be discouraging and cause us to suffer self-esteem issues. But, life is like that; seldom does anything go as we planned or hoped for. Do we then give up on our dreams or those things we feel passionate about? Of course not. But sometimes we need to reassess where we are in life, what our current life circumstances are, and set a new focus and passion for which to strive for. Continue reading