Category Archives: Expression of Gratitude

Expression of Gratitude

Life’s Like This — gratitude is a precious gift that, as I once read, can be “…medicine for the heart.” I am struck by that statement because I believe it rings true in so many of our interactions with people. Imagine a world where you never heard an expression of appreciation for something you have done? Imagine a Christmas morning where family members are unwrapping their gifts and not one word of thanks is expressed? Imagine working for years at a job and at your retirement, there is no recognition for your years of service? These are just a few of the countless instances that afford each of us opportunities to give the gift of gratitude.  
The amazing thing about giving the gift of gratitude is that it costs you absolutely nothing but a few moments of your time. So why does the expression of gratitude seem to be a fading virtue in our society today? Is it because people are too busy to say thank you? Is it because people have become so self-absorbed with their own thoughts or interests that they simply dismiss the importance of expressing gratitude. Or, is it because people have gotten in the habit of taking people forgranted and then come to expect something without giving anything in return?  
I should point out that the giving of a gift, be it your time, present, or act of service should not be predicated on whether or not you receive an expression of gratitude. If you have that expectation, you are sure to be disappointed. But wouldn’t be nice if you did? We all want to be recognized in our life for something we have done. I once read a book by Dr. Gary Chapman, called The Five Love Langauges. This post isn’t a review of that book, but it is a fantastic book. You can learn more about The Five Love Languages by clicking HERE. I wanted to point out to you what those five love languages are and how at least one of them relates to the expression of gratitude. Continue reading