Category Archives: Facing Your Truth

Facing Your Truth

Life’s Like This — Sometimes we go through life unsure of who we are or what our purpose is in life. It’s as if we are in a maze of confusion, not sure which path to take to lead us out of the darkness. We often stumble around trying to find our footing in one thing that would provide us with a source of comfort and stability from which to find meaning and purpose in our lives. For some of us, the journey is filled with what seems to be an unending series of disappointments or obstacles that keep us from achieving our goals. And for others, the winds of life promote smooth sailing where everything seems to fall perfectly in place. The story we each have unfolds in ways unique to our circumstances and quite often the choices we make in life. Sometimes the face of our truth is only unveiled after going through a series of misadventures that leaves us desperate for something from which to find hope.

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