Category Archives: Fear of Change

Fear of Change

Life’s Like This — People often change for two reasons. It can be either that you have learned enough that you want to change or you have been hurt enough that you need to. We all go through life where we have to face a multitude of challenges and decisions. Quite often, we make choices that affect our physical and mental well being, choices that we later come to discover were wrong and did not serve us well. We like to think the choices we make in life are the right ones and that we will have no regrets, but unfortunately none of us are perfect and so we sometimes are faced with the reality of the situation and find it necessary to make a change. The lessons in life are often the impetus that spur us into action, that provide the motivation to implement a change in our life. Sometimes, however, we are resistant to change because we fear the unknown, even when we know in our hearts that a change in our lives needs to occur in order for us to experience the personal growth that is vital for all of us.

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