Category Archives: Gaining Back Unwanted Pounds

Gaining Back Unwanted Pounds

 Life’s Like This — Looks can be deceiving. Each morning I get up and weigh myself. This morning was no different except that I got a rude awakening. After losing 68 pounds, I gained 7 pounds back since the holidays. I don’t have to ask myself why I gained the weight back because I already know the answer — I ate the wrong foods and too much of it. And it certainly wasn’t because I didn’t know better. I had attended a 17 week class to educate myself on nurtition, portion control, food diaries, right food choices and the importance of exercise. So, here I am armed with all that knowledge and yet I still put on 7 pounds. Looking in the mirror each morning I came away with a false illusion of my weight health because there was no visible sign of my weight gain. One of the things I was taught in the weight loss class, was if you have a setback not to get depressed just recognize what you did wrong and correct the behavior that caused you to get off track. 

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