Category Archives: God’s Social Network

God's Social Network

Life’s Like This — God has no phone, but I talk with Him. He has no Facebook, but He is still my friend. He does not have a Twitter, but I still follow him — Unknown. It’s amazing the way people stay in touch with each other today. The various social media sites make it easy to reach out and communicate with family, friends, and even perfect strangers. And yet, when it comes to communicating with God, many of us have a fear of communicating with HIm through the most universal means of communication — prayer. For some reason, we find it difficult to bare our souls, to open our hearts, and to have that all important conversation with Him where we let him know of our fears, anxieties, concerns, and yes, even to give Him thanks for all the Blessings He has given to us. I sometimes think that we take God for-granted, because for those of us that have an undeniable faith in Him, we know that He will always be there, He will always love us, and there is nothing that we can do to make Him stop loving us. And yet, the relationship in our lives that should be paramount to all others, is the one we relegate to the sidelines, and only call upon Him when we are in need during a time of crisis.

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