Category Archives: Grateful For Love

Grateful For Love

 Life’s Like This — Love can touch your heart when you least expect it. In my life, I have often found love to be elusive. I remember growing up and wanting to have that one thing I did not have as a child — a normal family life and the true love of one woman. As a teenager, I embarked on a journey to find love but seemed to find it in all the wrong places. I quickly discovered that the flip side of love with all its magical feelings was pain and heartaches. As I have matured, I have discovered that love is more than infatuation, more than a case of incurable butterflies, and more than all the physical desires we so often equate with love. Love is a steadfast devotion to someone that grows and blossoms year after year. It is not stagnant, but matures through constant self-pruning of all the personal faults one has, and that despite the imperfections we all have, remains joined in a unwavering bond of love. 

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