Category Archives: Knowing God’s Will

Knowing God's Will

Life’s Like This — Most of us want to know God’s plan for our lives, but we’re not always sure how to find it. One common misunderstanding is the idea that God’s guidance will come to us out of the blue, that it has nothing to do with what we’re doing now. But if we’re always looking around for God’s next assignment, we run the risk of ruining whatever we’re working on right now. I remember as a young man having a deep belief that God had a special purpose for my life, one that was above the ordinary, one where I would leave a significant contribution to society before I left this earth. Perhaps this was just a childhood fancy where I had illusions of becoming something greater then what God had planned for me. Yet, it was something I always believed deep in my heart and dreamt of being fulfilled. As it turned out, life unfolded as it should, one that was filled with ups and downs, twist and turns, and that left me wondering if the path I was heading down was the path God intended for me. I’m not sure that anyone can truly know the heart and mind of God without delving into the scripture combined with an active prayer life where we seek out His will. But I do know, that I failed to faithfully go to Him in prayer so that His will would be revealed to me; instead I chose my own path — one that turned out to have more than its share of disappointments and failures.

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