Category Archives: Living For Christ

Living For Christ

Life’s Like This — With all the temptations in this world, it is often difficult to live your life for Christ. There is probably no greater way to honor God than to live your life as a reflection of His love. If you profess to being a Christian, as I do, you have probably heard in countless sermons how we should repent and turn from our sins. I see Christians all around me, people that seem to be living Godly lives — people who are diligent in studying God’s Word, who by every appearance seem to be walking the walk, who are involved with numerous church ministries, that can quote scriptures as if they have photographic memory, are able to pray the most beautiful prayers, and that have a spiritual demeanor and countenance that reflects a true devotion to following Jesus Christ. To be honest, I find myself envious of these people — as much as I want to live my life for Christ, I find myself plagued with a sinful nature that is relentless in its attempts to seduce me with the temptations of life. As much as I want to break free of the bondage of my sins, the influences of the world and my personal weaknesses prevent me from truly honoring God in all that I do. And when I am caught up in sin, I often wonder if I am truly a Christian.  

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