Category Archives: Missing the joy in life

Missing the joy in life

Have you ever wondered where the joy in living your life could be found? Have you found yourself so consumed with fear, anxiety, depression or a host of other worries that it just seems too difficult to lift the fog clouding your vision and that prevents you from basking in all the joys to be found in this world? Life’s like this — sometimes life can be so overwhelming that we miss out on all the love and joy surrounding us.  
I remember when I use to take my mom for a drive through the country side. I use to smile to myself as she peered out the window and said, “Isn’t that a beautiful tree over there?” Now this tree wasn’t particularly beautiful in my sight, but she somehow saw its beauty. My mom was a lady that lived a life filled with many disappointments but she always managed to see the beauty in nature and in people. She had every reason to be angry and to react negatively to situations that were unpleasant in her life. But when I reflect back, I don’t recall her ever complaining about anything to a point where it was obsessive. She chose to view life much like she viewed her faith — with hope and optimism. Mom’s are like that; they often set an example we can only hope to emulate. Continue reading