Category Archives: Past, Present and Future

Past, Present and Future

Life’s Like This — “To grow, you must be willing to let your present and future be totally unlike your past. Your history is not your destiny.” [Source, Alan Cohen] — So often we get caught up in a vicious cycle of regrets, often perceiving past mistakes as an indicator for future success. We sometimes think, if only I could go back and relive this part of my life, I would do things entirely different. But the truth is, our lives cannot be replayed as Bill Murray did in the movie Groundhog Day — our past is the past and we are stuck with it. We simply cannot go back in the past and change what has happened, but we do have the opportunity to learn from our mistakes and create a new future, here in the present, by calling on the wisdom we gained from our life experiences. While it may at times be difficult to let go of the past, if we can muster up the courage to see beyond the past and look to the future with new hope and vision, then all sorts of possibilities can become a reality.

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