Category Archives: Paying It Forward

Paying it Forward

Life’s Like This — When you least suspect it, a total stranger will extend an act of kindness toward you. Across the country, people are paying bills for complete strangers. Apparently it is a movement based on the movie “Pay It Forward” that was released several years ago.  
“The “pay it forward” good deed initiative has spread to Kmart stores throughout Northeastern Pennsylvania with “layaway angels” footing the bill for Christmas gifts that families cannot afford, especially toys and children’s clothes set aside by parents who must pace their payments” To read more of this article, please click HERE.  
In this current economy, with many people unemployed, this simple act of compassion can ease the financial burden of so many people. According to a news broadcast, these “layaway angels” are paying it forward anonymously. According to one donor, their reward will come from hearing of other people who embrace the Pay It Forward movement. Apparently, the layaway angels have sparked a new interest in this altruistic movement. Continue reading