Category Archives: Pushing Your Buttons

Pushing Your Buttons

Life’s Like This — There will always be people that will irritate you in the most frustrating manner. People who know how to push your buttons — buttons that can set off a chain-reaction of emotions that, if not caught in time and put in check, can quickly escalate and lead to consequences that can profoundly impact your life. Finding ways to avoid people that push your buttons would seem to be the best way of coping, but in reality, there will always be things in life that you have no control over and can cause you to react in a way that is childish or completely inappropriate. People are often unpredictable and that includes ourselves. We would like to be able to say we are in control of our emotions and behavior but when certain situations present themselves, we find that we are not as mature as we perhaps thought we were. It’s almost as if a little child is living within us who is fighting desperately to get someones attention and we refuse to stop our bad behavior until we are forced to by consequences imposed by society.

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