Category Archives: Smile Power

Smile Power

Life’s Like This — It has been said that the shortest distance between two people is a smile. Everyday we come across people wearing a variety of facial expressions — facial expressions that are often mood indicators. They may be frowning, straight-lipped, or displaying a smile that can brighten your day. If you approach a person who is not smiling, you may feel less inclined to interact with that person. But this is real life and we can’t go around not interacting with people just because they are not wearing a smile. People are people and their facial expressions are often reflections of their moods. And perhaps the most powerful of these expressions is the smile because it can actually draw people together. Just during the time you have read this paragraph, you probably have glanced at the picture of the smiling kitten several times. Smiles are like magnets that draw you to the person [or creature] wearing it. People who smile inadvertently cause you to smile back at them.

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