Category Archives: Super Bowl of Life

Super Bowl of Life

Life’s Like This — There are many life lessons that can be learned from sports. As with any sport, football is one that provides an opportunity for both the participant and viewer to see first-hand the life skills needed to not only be successful in that sport, but also in life. Tomorrow, Super Bowl XLVI (46) is being played in Indianapolis. Of course the aim of the game is to win the Super Bowl and come away as the victor, the undisputed champion of a game that has become a sort of national holiday. For some people, the game of football is simply a game, one that pays millions of dollars to players to run around a field blocking, tackling, catching, and throwing a ball with the goal to get the most touchdowns. While that is the ultimate goal, football is much more than that. In my mind, as with any sport, it is how well you play the game. Just as in the game of life, there are certain attributes one needs to be successful. How well a player embraces those qualities is often the determining factor in his success. And in life, there are many attributes, similar to those in football, that we all need to be successful. Following are a few of those attributes:

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