Category Archives: Tebow and Faith

Tebow and Faith

Life’s Like This — Even in defeat, God is still there. Last night Tim Tebow faced Tom Brady in what was truly a lopsided win by the New England Patriots. Tebow, who gained national attention and became a phenomenon by orchestrating improbable comeback victories, sparked a faith-fueling story that caused millions of people to draw closer to God from his openly religious displays of faith on the football field. With the loss by the Denver Broncos and the faith-wielding Tim Tebow, many may now question if God was instrumental in Tebow’s remarkable season.

In a report by, Tebow said: It still wasn’t a bad day,” … “It still was a good day, because I got to spend some time before the game with Zack McLeod [a 20-year-old Cambridge native who suffered a traumatic brain injury playing football] and make him smile, and overall when you get to do that, it’s still a positive day. Sometimes that’s hard to see, but it depends what lens you’re looking through. I choose to look through those lenses, and I got to make a kid’s day, that’s more important than winning the game. So, I am proud of that.”

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