Category Archives: The Face of Social Tolerance

The Face of Social Tolerance

From the outset, what I am sharing may be unpopular because it represents conservative Christian views. Also, it is not about casting negative connotations on any one individual or class of people. We are all sinners and much of what has become the “norm” in our society is a result of some church denominations watering down biblical doctrine in an effort to be more inclusive and the changing of societal values. God loves all people, even those that commit the most grievous of sins, however, God does hate sin because it is an affront to His Holiness and it causes people to be separated from Him. We can not forget the free will God has given us to make personal choices; personal choices that carry consequences, and choices that may not please God. As humans, we should leave the judging to God. We do have a responsibility, however, to be discerning of behavior or actions that go against God’s Word. And so it is with social tolerance; we need to be discerning of behaviors or actions that are contrary to the Word of God, even when they are in the name of social tolerance.

Life’s Like This — The values we once held dear and close to our hearts are now being corrupted by the idea of social tolerance. I am not talking about being tolerant of the numerous religions around the world, I am not talking about unlawful discrimination based upon race, gender, national origin, creed or religion but rather the tolerance of lifestyles and beliefs that are growing rampantly in our society and that threaten the moral fabric and foundation of our long established value systems. The face of tolerance is a deceptively seductive encroachment into values that many of us grew up with and have taught our children. One that embraces social tolerance is often described as being a good person, who is loving and accepting of others. What could be wrong with that? After all, who wants to be perceived as a bigot similar to the one famously portrayed in the sit-com, “All In The Family”.


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