Category Archives: The Garden of Life

The Garden of Life

Life’s Like This — In the garden of life, there are gifts of hope, faith, love, and joy that are waiting for you to embrace and take root in your life. I was reminded about the nature of life as I tended to my garden. The winter frost had failed to kill off the weeds and I discovered they had invaded and completely covered my flower bed. As I was pulling the weeds out, I thought to myself how amazing weeds are; no matter how good a job you do at pulling them out, they always seem to come back. They are tenacious and have a resiliency that often mirrors our lives. I knew, however, if I wanted my spring flowers to blossom into a garden that would capture natures beauty, and be one that I could be proud of, I needed to remove those pesky weeds that could eventually destroy my flowers. Weeds are a nuisance and the longer they are allowed to stay in the soil, the deeper its roots go and the more difficult they become to pull out. It’s kind of like life — you can be experiencing all the joy and happiness in the world, but when you let the problems of life take root, no matter how hard you try to rid yourself of those problems, they have a tendency to creep back into your life and once again spoil your happiness.

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