Category Archives: The Gift of Christ

The Gift of Christ

Life’s Like This — There is no obstacle in life, predictable or unpredictable, that can’t be conquered with a spirit of hope and determination. We all go through life hoping that it will be filled with experiences that have the least amount of adversity and disappointments. Unfortunately, life will always present you with your share of adversity — it’s inevitable– but what is not inevitable is how we face the adversity we are confronted with. Finding boundless joy and happiness in life is something we all long for and that we should strive for, but when circumstances arise that create situations that are unpleasant and difficult to deal with, we are faced with the choice to either rise above the situation and conquer it, find some middle ground to cope with the situation, or give up in defeat and allow ourselves to succumb to it in despair. For many of us, the easy road is to give up, to throw in the towel, to sweep it under the carpet, to rid ourselves of the problem by walking away from it and pretending that it no longer exists. In reality, problems are never solved by walking away from them and pretending that they magically disappeared. The presence of sin in our lives is one of those problems that encompass so many of the short-comings and failures that we must confront in life. We then need to decide if we are going to be victors over the sin, or allow it to rule our behavior and lead us down a path that can further separate us from God.

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