Category Archives: The Gift of Compassion

The Gift of Compassion

Life’s Like This! There are always opportunities to display compassion toward others. Compassion is a gift that can be extended to your family, friends, neighbors and complete strangers. It costs nothing to give and should be given free of any encumbrances or desire to seek personal gain. Compassion, in my mind, is a gift of the heart. It is a heartfelt and sincere way to let others know you care about them and whatever circumstances they are troubled by.  
The dictionary defines compassion as a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering. In life, there are so many opportunities to show compassion toward others. Perhaps you can recall instances in your life where you have shown compassion and touched the life of someone. In my life, especially as a nurse in the military, and a healthcare administrator, opportunities for giving the gift of compassion abounded. But the gift of compassion is not limited to people who are in the healthcare field. Whether your vocation is that of a janitor, construction worker, teacher, sales person, customer service representative, or any one of countless other vocations — you can always find opportunities to touch someone’s life who is in need of this precious gift. Here are ways you can show compassion regardless of your life’s vocation: Continue reading