Category Archives: The Gift of Faith

The Gift of Faith

Life’s Like This! There is probably no greater gift a parent can give their children than the gift of faith. I was blessed with a mother that lived out her faith in Jesus Christ. She was always a steadfast model of faithfulness despite so many of life’s adversities being thrown in her path. I remember seeing her kneeling on her little stool beside her bed, deep in prayer. I was struck by her devotion to God and willingness to submit herself to God’s will. With my mom’s passing last April, she left behind a gift of faith that can be lived out by her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren for generations to come. Please notice that I said the word “can” and not “will”. That is because we have a choice of whether or not we embrace the faith and legacy of our parents. I have always had a deep faith in God, but never really lived out my faith with a devotion and example set my mom. Unlike her, I have let life’s adveristies affect my relationship with God. I have not been the faithful example to my children as my mom had been to me. Continue reading