Category Archives: The Gift of Salvation

The Gift of Salvation

Life’s Like This — Like a minor cut or abrasion that becomes infected when left untreated, sin grows and soon poisons the whole body. I was at church yesterday, kneeling before the alter and about to receive communion when I realized that sin has a way of creeping back into the forefront of your mind. I was anxious as the pastor approached because I was not yet ready to receive the sacraments. Even though I was granted absolution of my sins earlier in the service, my human tendency to not forgive myself for my sins was an impediment to my receiving the body and blood of Christ — and for the renewal and restoration of my relationship with God. In a fervent prayer, I cried out to God, confessing my sins and praying that he will help me in my walk with HIm as I continue to try to turn from my sinful nature and escape the bondage of my sins. That’s the nature of sin, if we allow it to fester and grow it can take control of our lives and keep us from experiencing a oneness with God that is so important for our spiritual transformation and growth. By confessing my sins, and clinging to His promises, I was able to prepare my heart, mind, and soul so that I might enjoy the blessings of the sacraments. I had to realize that nothing I could do could restore my relationship with God, unless I first came before him claiming the gift of salvation that His Son, Jesus Christ, gave to us all when he paid the price for our sins on the cross so many years ago.

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