Category Archives: The Truth About Truth

The Truth About Truth

Life’s Like This — If the truth is so simple, why does the United States Court System have people swear the following oath before they testify: “Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?” It is a wonderful oath covering everything within reason and logic, and knowledge. When it comes to matters of man’s written law, the truth should be pretty clear-cut. When it comes to the Word of God, there should be no second-guessing. When it comes to our own personal truth, the waters can then become murky because what is true for one person may not be true for someone else. I think it would be a fair statement to conclude that our perception of the truth is often based on the belief system we have chosen to adopt. Even within the Christian beliefs, there are interpretations among liberals and conservatives that simply are different and do not reflect shared “truths” concerning biblical scripture and yet for each of these groups of people, what they believe is their truth, regardless of what the Bible states is the truth.

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