Category Archives: Transforming Our Failures

Transforming Our Failures

Life’s Like This — However badly we may have failed in the past, today is not too late for us to put our complete trust in God. Failure will eventually place its foot print in each of our lives — it’s inevitable. No one can go through life and not experience some kind of failure, especially when we set goals or high expectations for ourselves. While we may strive to be successful in whatever endeavor we choose, none of us can control circumstances that are beyond our control. And even those circumstances that we have the ultimate control over, our behavior and our personal choices, we always seem to make decisions that test the wisdom of our choices. Failure, however, should not define us — we are more than the sum of all our failures, we are more than the random acts of choices and behaviors that we make in life. While it may be discouraging to experience failure after failure, those failures can often be stepping stones to success if we choose to embrace the lessons that can be learned from them. One of the most profound lessons we can learn is to put our faith and trust in God in every area of our life, those we have control over, and those we have absolutely no control over.

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