Category Archives: Trauma of the heart

Trauma of the heart

Pain isn’t always physical. There are wounds of the heart, soul and mind that are far more devastating than any gunshot wound or burning piece of shrapnel – wounds that often lead to a lifetime of inability to cope with the psycho-trauma that not only impacts the mind but every aspect of a man or woman’s life. Trauma that shuts down your heart leaving you with an inability to form close relationships or that tears apart the ones you have. Trauma that reaches deep into your soul, that incapacitates you to the point you no longer care whether you live or die.  
Life’s like this; trauma does not discriminate. It can affect every man, woman or child in various forms, at any age, from the most devastating physical wound to the deepest form of depression — trauma of the heart. Coping with this kind of trauma and living with it on a daily basis is an endless battle. Behind the smiling face of your family member, neighbor, friend or stranger can be an insidious disease that is crippling and draining energy and hope needed to cope and face the challenges of our world. For these people, it is like a puzzle where you can not find a place for a piece to make that puzzle whole. This trauma of the heart — depression, often shatters one’s life, like a broken mirror, into pieces that may never be healed with any medication or endless therapy sessions. It clouds their thought processes which impedes their road to recovery. Unlike physical trauma that often heals over time, trauma of the heart, of one’s mind, can last a life time.  

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