Category Archives: Trials of Life

Trials of Life

Life’s Like This — Every flower that ever bloomed had to go through a whole lot of dirt to get there. — Maria Delgado. In life, we often go through a lot of trials, or what you might think of as emotional garbage or obstacles, that prevent us from finding the peace and joy we all long for. Quite often, we have no choice in the trials that we are faced with. While some of them can be a result of personal choices, many of them we have no control over. Sometimes we might wonder why we have to go through a series of trials in life; why can’t it be smooth sailing? It would be nice if we didn’t have to go through them, but without the trials of life, we would be missing those ingredients that are, in my mind, essential for personal growth. You simply can’t go through life without getting your hands dirty in the growing process. There are going to be mud puddles that you may need to step through, dirt you may need to crawl over, and fields of dirt that you have to plow through to experience the happiness you have longed for. It can be a messy path, but one that we need to endure to find true peace and joy in life.

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