Category Archives: Understanding Emotional Walls

Understanding Emotional Walls

Life’s Like This — Sometimes all you can do is smile, move on with your day, hold back your tears, and pretend your okay. It isn’t easy to put on a happy face when inside your heart your emotions are tied up in a knot and you feel like you have been put through the wringer of life where every ounce of positiveness has been squeezed out of your soul. You may wake up in the morning with every intention of ushering in a day filled with hope and joy only to encounter emotional setbacks that leave you reeling with feelings of anxiety, frustration, disappointment, and perhaps even anger. As your day unfolds, people you come in contact with may perceive you as being okay, with no worries or concerns, and with no idea that inside your heart you are going through an internal struggle that you desperately want to escape from. For those of us that have bubbly and out-going personalities, the mask of deception can be greater than for those whose normal appearance is more reserved. But for each personality, the pain one feels is still lurking in the corners of their heart, yearning for someone to understand, someone to reach out and see behind the mask and be able to touch their hearts in such a way that the emotional walls begin to crumble so you can then begin to share the pain that has been hidden from others.

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