Category Archives: Walking With God

Walking With God

Life’s Like This — One reason that our struggles in life are so difficult is because we think we have to make the journey alone. We fight to maintain an independent spirit, an “I can do it myself” attitude that often makes our walk through life more difficult and perhaps even more lonely. We think that we have all the power and all the inner strength to weather any adversity, any storm and any tragedy that is thrown in our path. But the truth is, we all have a weak link — that part of us that can snap and leave us bewildered and overcome with a flood of emotions and challenges we can’t cope with. And when that day comes, we struggle to find a way out of the dilemma we find ourselves in and often cry out, perhaps silently, for someone or something that can lift us out of our darkness and despair.

Often, when we are caught up in despair, when we cannot see any hope for the future or to get us out of the crisis we are in, we turn to unhealthy behaviors or choices — alcohol, drugs, sex — to find some relief from the pain that has engulfed us; choices that are temporary fixes and do nothing to address the pain and suffering that we are trying to find some kind of relief from so we can heal and move forward with our lives.

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