Category Archives: Warning Signs of Toxic Relationships

Warning Signs of Toxic Relationships

Life’s Like This — Sometimes we so desperately want someone in our lives to love, someone to share our hopes and dreams with, so much so that we ignore red flags that keeping popping up to warn us that something is wrong with the relationship we are in. Our quest for love is normal; we all want to be loved and to love others, but when the relationship we are in shows signs that it is unhealthy, when signs and symptoms start to reveal themselves, then we may actually be in a toxic relationship. There is a popular notion that love conquers all, that no matter what the difficulties are, if you pour all your energy and efforts into your relationship then the problems will resolve themselves. In truth, not all relationships are salvageable. When a relationship turns toxic, a whole new sense of awareness needs to come into focus so that the emotional, physical, and mental health of the non-toxic partner is protected. One only has to read reports in the various media to know that there is evidence of toxic relationships; reports that have led to increased divorce rates, accounts of domestic violence, and tragically even death. The topic and seriousness of these types of relationships is very relevant to our society and possibly to yourself if you are in a relationship that shows signs and symtoms of toxicity.

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