Category Archives: Wordpress vs. Blogger

WordPress vs. Blogger

Okay, here’s the scoop, up until yesterday, my blogging platform has been Blogger by Google. I am now using Blogsy to post to both WordPress and Blogger so I can see which site gets the most traffic from visitors. This is a little experiment of mine to see if my investment in a domain name and paid web host will translate into better search engine listings and more traffic to Life’s Like This.  
Wordpress has been touted to be the premeir blogging software and for good reasons. It offers many more features than Blogger including a much more extensive library of themes to customize your blog. Search engine results always put WordPress and Blogger at the top of blogging platforms. But while it has better reviews than Blogger, I am finding WordPress to be much more difficult to use than Blogger. Finding the widgets I want, such as a hit counter, was much more difficult in WordPress. The dashboard does not seem to be as intuitive as Blogger and thus the learning curve is greater, at least for me, in WordPress. Blogger’s design features, i.e. themes, widgets and various components are more straight-forward in placement than in WordPress, however, WordPress offers a greater selection of design options. I guess, it’s just a matter of getting familiarized with WordPress so I can maximize my productivity with it.  
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