Category Archives: Words of Encouragement

Words of Encouragement


Life’s Like This — Every so often, no matter who you are, hearing words of encouragement can provide the emotional boost to get through a difficult time in your life. Human beings are emotional creatures — we feed off our connections with other people. When we are dejected, hearing a word of encouragement from a family member, friend, or a co-worker can often be the catalyst to snap us out of a period of doubt or sorrow in our lives. When we praise and encourage others we can sometimes kick-start a positive spiral of behavior because it serves as a source of hope that can be a true confidence builder. All of us experience times in our lives when nothing seems to go right, when our best efforts to accomplish something fails, when we become discouraged and find ourselves despondent, or even in a state of depression. It’s times like this that offering a word of encouragement can be just the right antidote to help someone over a hurdle and that can provide the acceptance and validation they need to overcome a difficult period in their life.

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